Your Guide to Hospice Care Services in Portland, OR
Hospice Care for your loved ones
If you or a loved one has received a terminal diagnosis and is ready to cease treatment, it may be time to consider hospice care. Hospice care allows a patient with a terminal illness to have dignity and comfort in the end stages of illness. At Agape Hospice NW, we offer no-cost hospice services throughout Portland so patients can receive compassionate end-of-life care. To find out if our hospice services are right for you or to learn more about what we offer, call us today.
What Does Hospice Care Provide?
Hospice care services include pain management, medication to manage symptoms, emotional and spiritual support, counseling and bereavement services, and comfort services for someone who is terminally ill. The hospice care team addresses the patient’s physical, psychological, social, and spiritual needs while treating pain and other symptoms. Hospice care is not meant for patients with chronic, temporary, long-term, or short-term illnesses that can be cured or that are still being treated.
Who Can Benefit From Hospice Care?
The patient, the patient’s friends and family, and the patient’s caregivers can benefit from hospice care. The patient will be comfortable and pain-free during the last months of life, and family, friends, and caregivers can have peace of mind that their loved one is cared for and isn’t in pain. Anyone who is in the last six months of life or who has been referred to hospice care by a doctor or medical team can be eligible for hospice care services.
How Will I Know if Hospice Care Is the Right Decision?
Hospice care is in your best interests if curative treatments are no longer effective, recommended, or feasible, or if there is no cure for your illness. If there are no further measures that can be taken to extend your life and/or if a physician has determined that your life expectancy is six months or less, you may benefit from hospice care. Hospice care may also be recommended during the end stages of an illness when a patient needs assistance with pain management, physical care, and symptom management of a terminal illness.
Why Choose Agape Hospice NW for Hospice Care in Portland?
At Agape Hospice NW, our care team is experienced, knowledgeable, and compassionate. We are dedicated to helping patients find solutions that ease their pain, burdens, and emotional struggles so they can spend the last months of their life in comfort. We offer comprehensive, customizable care services throughout Portland. We work closely with patients, families, and caregivers to provide the highest quality care possible in every situation. All of our care and hospice services are offered at no cost to the patient or family.
Other Services We Provide
In addition to offering compassionate hospice services throughout Portland, we also offer the following care services:
- Social services and bereavement
- Personalized hospice care
- Nursing services and hospice care
- Advanced care planning
Call Us Today for Hospice Care Services in Portland
If you think that hospice care might be right for you or a family member, call us today at Agape Hospice NW to find out how we can help. We want each family to feel comfortable with the services we provide, and we help patients and families navigate the process of requesting and receiving hospice care services that work for them and their needs. To learn more or to schedule an initial meeting, call us or contact us online today.