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What to Know About Hospice Care in Portland

Hospice care is end of life care and pain management that focuses on keeping a patient comfortable during the end stages of an illness. During hospice care, no curative medical treatment is administered for the patient’s illness, but the patient will receive pain management, medication for relief of symptoms, and other comfort care and services. Hospice care programs offer quality care at the end of life to ensure that the patient stays pain-free and comfortable until death.

Can We Stop Hospice After It Is Started?

Patients can stop receiving hospice services without a physician’s consent, either because services are no longer needed or no longer wanted.

Should We Wait for Our Physician to Recommend Hospice Care?

You do not need to wait for your physician to recommend hospice care. You can ask your physician or a social worker for a referral, or you can make the referral for yourself, a family member, or friend.

What Levels of Care Are Offered?

There are four levels of hospice care:

  • Hospice care at home - Includes routine visits from a home hospice care team to ensure comfort and dignity during end of life care. This may include equipment, supplies, and medication.
  • Continuous hospice care - Continuous hospice care is provided when medically necessary and involves 24/7 care to manage acute symptoms and delay or prevent hospitalization.
  • Inpatient hospice care - If a patient’s symptoms can’t be managed through at-home hospice care, a patient can receive inpatient hospice care at a care facility such as, an Adult Care Home, or skilled nursing facility. Our team knows and works with several exceptional facilities in the Portland Metro area.  We can go wherever the patient goes or calls home.
  • Respite care - Respite care is designed to be temporary, inpatient hospice care so the patient’s caregivers can have a break.

Do State and Federal Reviewers Inspect Hospices?

Yes. All hospice facilities must meet strict state licensure requirements and comply with all federal regulations in order to operate. If they do not meet these requirements, they will not qualify for reimbursement under Medicare. Hospice companies are subject to routine inspections to ensure they are meeting standards and to renew their license.

Who Can Make a Referral to Hospice?

Most hospice care referrals come from the patient's physician; however, a hospice referral can also be made by a social worker, nurse, caregiver, guardian, or family member.

Who Pays for Hospice Care?

Hospice care can be covered by private insurance, Medicare, and Medicaid. If a patient doesn’t have insurance or if the care isn’t covered, some agencies offer no-cost hospice care in Portland.

What Will Be Provided by Hospice?

Whether it is in-home hospice care or care in a hospice facility, the patient will receive medication for pain management and symptom management during the end stages of illness. The patient will receive care and comfort designed to reduce pain, minimize symptoms, and address the patient’s physical, psychological, and social needs.

Who Is Eligible for Hospice?

Someone with a terminal illness is eligible for hospice care when a physician determines that the patient has six months or less to live and that further treatment would not prolong life expectancy.

Contact Us Today for Hospice Care in Portland

If you have further questions about whether hospice care is right for you or a family member, or the benefits of hospice care in Portland, contact us at Agape Hospice NW. Our friendly, experienced hospice care team is happy to answer any questions you have and schedule an initial consultation for hospice services. Just call us or contact us online today.

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