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Volunteering with hospice care is a deeply rewarding experience, offering a unique opportunity to make a meaningful difference in the lives of patients and their families during one of life’s most challenging times. At Agape Hospice NW in Portland, OR, we are dedicated to providing gentle and nurturing end-of-life care. As a hospice volunteer, you’ll play a vital role in delivering compassionate support and comfort to those in need. If you are considering becoming a hospice volunteer, here is a guide on how to get started.

Why Volunteer With Hospice?

Before diving into the how it’s important to understand the why. Volunteering with hospice is not just about giving your time—it’s about giving of yourself in a way that brings comfort and compassion to others. Here are some reasons why you might consider becoming a hospice volunteer:

  • Making a Difference – Hospice volunteers provide emotional, social, and sometimes even physical support to patients and their families. This can be as simple as offering companionship, listening to stories, or providing a calming presence during a difficult time.
  • Personal Growth – Hospice volunteering allows you to develop empathy, patience, and a deeper understanding of life’s natural processes. It’s an opportunity to learn about yourself and others in profound ways.
  • Community Impact – By volunteering, you’re helping to support your community and ensure that those facing the end of life have the care and compassion they deserve.
  • Sense of Fulfillment – Knowing that you’ve been there for someone during a critical time can bring a strong sense of purpose and fulfillment.

A hospice volunteer sits next to a patient in a wheelchair in Portland, OR

Steps to Become a Hospice Volunteer

Hospice volunteers are needed and appreciated. We offer a variety of hospice care services, so whether you want to work face-to-face with patients, in an office setting, or even with fundraising, there is a role for you. If you feel drawn to this calling, our coordinators are available to help you become a volunteer. We’ll help you every step of the way, but here are six steps to get you started.

Step 1: Understand the Role

Hospice volunteers at Agape Hospice NW play various roles, from providing companionship to patients to assisting with office tasks. Some volunteers may prefer direct patient interaction, while others might find joy in supporting behind the scenes. Some common tasks include:

  • Providing Companionship – Spending time with patients, talking, reading, or simply being present to offer comfort.
  • Supporting Families – Offering emotional support to family members, helping them navigate the challenging emotions that accompany the end of life.
  • Running Errands – Assisting with tasks such as grocery shopping, picking up prescriptions, or helping with household chores.
  • Administrative Assistance – Helping with office tasks such as answering phones, filing, or preparing mailings.
  • Creative and Therapeutic Activities – Engaging patients in activities like art, music, or writing, which can be therapeutic and comforting.

Step 2: Meet the Basic Requirements

To be considered as a hospice volunteer, you must:

  • Be at least 18 years old (or meet the minimum age requirement set by Agape Hospice NW).
  • Possess emotional maturity and the ability to handle intense situations.
  • Have a compassionate and non-judgmental attitude.

Step 3: Complete the Application Process

Visit our website and fill out the volunteer application form. This form will ask for your personal details, availability, and areas of interest. Once submitted, our volunteer coordinator will review your application.

Step 4: Attend an Interview

After your application is reviewed, you’ll be invited for an interview. This helps us understand your motivations and ensures that hospice volunteering is a good fit for you. It’s also an opportunity for you to ask any questions you might have.

Step 5: Undergo Training

All volunteers are required to undergo training to ensure they feel comfortable and prepared for their tasks. Our comprehensive training program covers:

  • An introduction to hospice care and the hospice philosophy.
  • Effective communication skills.
  • Emotional and psychological aspects of end-of-life care.
  • Practical caregiving tips and techniques.
  • Ethical considerations and confidentiality.

Step 6: Start Volunteering

Once your training is complete, you’ll be ready to start volunteering. Our volunteer coordinator will work with you to identify opportunities that match your goals and abilities. Whether you can commit a few hours a month or several hours a week, your contributions are valued and needed.

Join Us Today

If you’re ready to make a meaningful impact and provide invaluable support to those in need, consider becoming a hospice volunteer with Agape Hospice NW. Contact us to learn more about the application process and available opportunities in the Portland, OR, area. Together, we can bring comfort, dignity, and love to those facing the end of life.