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Can a Hospice Patient Go to the Emergency Room in Portland, OR?

The goal of hospice care is to provide comprehensive medical and psychosocial support to patients and their families as they approach the end of their lives. Most research studies conducted in the United States have found that hospice programs positively impact the quality of care given and the satisfaction of patients. It’s generally accepted that hospice patients nearing the end of their life can receive care at home. However, around 25 percent of patients who are disenrolled by hospice end up in the hospital.

Patients who are hospitalized can receive inappropriate care, resulting in adverse patient outcomes. Below, the experts at Agape Hospice NW discuss whether hospice patients should go to the emergency room or hospital. Contact us today to learn more about the comprehensive hospice care services we provide throughout Portland, OR, and the surrounding areas.

Hospice Patients Seeking Medical Care Outside of the Home

If a patient is in hospice, there must be an unrelated condition that warrants going to the emergency room or hospital, such as a stroke, heart attack, or even a fall that causes a broken bone. The patient must understand if they visit the hospital for something related to their terminal condition, it could result in the cancellation of their care while in hospice. In addition, even patients with hospice coverage may be required to pay for the entire hospital stay.

A busy emergency room in Portland, OR

Receiving Additional Hospice Support

If you’re receiving hospice care and your medication isn’t working correctly, or you notice any changes in your condition, you should first contact your hospice service provider. Communicating between the caregiver, patient, and hospice provider is crucial for providing additional services and improving the patient’s comfort levels.

In continuous home care, the hospice nurse is sent for a minimum of eight hours and up to 24 hours a day. The nurse monitors the patient constantly and administers medication as required. In addition, nurses report to doctors who can prescribe other medications to achieve maximum comfort levels.

Get Connected to Compassionate Hospice Care Today

Among hospice patients, emergency room visits and hospital visits are only permitted if the injury or condition isn’t related to the terminal illness they suffer from. It’s essential to contact the hospice agency immediately to report it if it is related. In addition to its hospice services, hospice agencies have other services to assist in case additional support is required. If you have any questions or concerns regarding going to the emergency room or hospital or are interested in receiving hospice care services, you can contact Agape Hospice NW. Contact us today to learn more about the comprehensive hospice care we provide throughout Portland, OR, and the surrounding areas.

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