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Can You Take Blood Pressure Medication in Hospice?

The leading cause of death in the United States is cardiovascular disease. With the rise in the number of tobacco users along with our society’s consumption of fast food, this statistic should come as no surprise. Heart disease can range from a heart attack and stroke to congestive heart failure. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, typically accompanies the disease. What does this mean for patients in hospice care? Below, the experts at Agape Hospice NW go over some important information about cardiac patients in hospice care and how blood pressure medication is handled.

End of Life Cardiac Patients

Adverse cardiovascular events can often lead to death. Patients are prescribed agents that lower blood pressure and cholesterol to avoid these events. It’s common for patients to be on these types of medications for years. So, how is the disease dealt with in patients in hospice approaching the end of life?

While it’s true that cardiovascular risks are severe, they’re usually the long-term effects of uncontrolled blood pressure and cholesterol. Therefore, there’s no need for these medications in the end-of-life phases. These medications can adversely affect the patient in hospice. For example, controlling a patient’s blood pressure with medication can cause a sharp drop in their blood pressure, potentially leading to falls and injury. Additionally, some cholesterol medications known as “statins” can cause muscles to break down in patients who are bed-bound. As a result, these medications are commonly discontinued in patients receiving hospice care services.

Blood pressure medication and a stethoscope in Portland, OR

Discontinuing Medication While in Hospice Care

A goal for hospice providers is to provide optimal comfort to the patient during the end stages of life. One way to accomplish this is to minimize the number of unnecessary medications the patient is taking. Stopping blood pressure and cholesterol medications may be frightening, but patients and their families must realize that healthcare professionals weigh the risks versus benefits of discontinuing medications.

In this case, the risks of adverse events caused by continuing these medications offset the benefits of protection these medications provide for hospice patients. Cardiovascular medications are just one of many medication classes that can benefit hospice patients by being discontinued.

When Is the Right Time to Ask About Hospice for End-Stage Cardiac Patients?

Determining when a heart disease patient is ready for hospice care can be difficult for patients, families, and even doctors. In its final stages, congestive heart failure is often unpredictable, and symptoms can vary by patient. Patients typically experience a recurring cycle of dramatic decline followed by a recovery period. As a result, not all heart disease patients who could benefit from hospice care receive the support they need.

Contact Agape Hospice NW to Learn More

Agape Hospice NW is here to help with the transition to hospice care, whether you’re a patient, family member, or loved one. We’re committed to delivering compassionate and personalized care throughout Portland, OR, and the surrounding areas. Let our team help by providing the support you need during life’s most challenging moments. Contact us today to learn more about the comprehensive hospice care services we offer patients and their families.

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