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When a loved one is terminally ill, it’s natural to want to provide for them. You may want to show you care and enhance their comfort with gifts but need help figuring out where to start. Below, the Agape Hospice NW team includes some gift ideas we’ve seen and heard about over the years for hospice patients. Reach out to our compassionate caregiving team today to learn more.

Comforting Gift Ideas for Patients in Hospice

Some comforting gift ideas we’ve compiled for your loved ones include:

  • A high-quality hot water bottle for pain reduction and better sleep (consider adding an attractive cover to make it homier)
  • A soothing candle to make the room feel cozier and more inviting (if the patient isn’t on oxygen)
  • A comfy, soft, warm blanket that’s machine-washable for easy care
  • A gentle massage by a licensed massage therapist
  • A digital photo frame, photo album, or scrapbook loaded with special photos and memories
  • A message bowl with special notes written on slips of paper by you or other loved ones
  • A playlist with their favorite songs or music genres
  • Home movies they can watch with others or when they’re alone

A hospice patient lies on a couch with a blanket someone brought to her in her Portland, OR home

Giving the Gift of Conversation, Companionship, & Appreciation

When giving your loved ones something while in hospice care, you can provide things beyond material gifts. Simply spending time with them is often the best thing you can give. Some ideas include:

  • Ask them about their end-of-life wishes
  • Listen to music with them
  • Read to them
  • Take a drive or walk together if they’re able
  • Encourage them to tell stories of their past
  • Offer a sympathetic ear to discuss their feelings
  • Ask them what’s most important to them
  • Tell them how they’ve contributed to your life
  • Share positive memories you have with them and times you’ve spent together
  • Let them know what you admire and love about them

Contact the Team at Agape Hospice NW Today

Whatever you choose to give your loved one, whether gift or companionship, you should focus on bringing love, comfort, and understanding into celebrating their life. You can discover compassionate and personalized hospice care services for patients and their families throughout Portland, OR with Agape Hospice NW. We want to provide the support and comfort you deserve during life’s most challenging times. Contact us today to learn more about our hospice care services.

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