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Does Private Insurance Cover Hospice Care in Portland, OR?

Most patients use Medicaid or Medicare for hospice care, but some patients use private health plans to cover the costs of their care. Private health insurance plans are designed to protect you from paying the full cost of medical expenses for medical conditions. Employers or retirement programs often provide them, but medical plans can also be purchased privately through insurance providers or the Affordable Care Act Marketplace. Most private plans cover hospice and other end-of-life care services. However, each health insurance company has its own requirements that patients must meet before they can begin hospice care.

Below, the experts at Agape Hospice NW review which hospice services are typically covered by private insurance and when patients are eligible for coverage. Contact our team today to learn more about navigating insurance and hospice care for patients in Portland, OR, and the surrounding areas.

A caretaker holds hands with a hospice patient in a bed in Portland, OR

Which Hospice Care Services Are Covered by Private Insurance?

Most private insurance plans model their hospice insurance coverage on the federal Medicare benefit program, covering 100 percent of care costs. It’s important to verify the specifics of what will be covered and what costs will be covered by the patient. Hospice care services can include:

  • A highly skilled team of healthcare providers, social workers, chaplains, bereavement coordinators, and volunteers
  • Medical equipment, including wheelchairs, hospital beds, and walkers.
  • Necessary medical supplies, including bandages, additional wound care supplies, incontinence supplies, catheters, and more
  • Prescribed medication to manage pain and control symptoms related to the terminal diagnosis
  • Short-term inpatient care to manage symptoms related to the patient’s terminal diagnosis
  • Short-term respite care for up to five days for the patient at an inpatient care facility to allow family caregivers to take a break

When Are Patients Eligible for Hospice Care?

Most patients are eligible for private hospice coverage when they’ve been diagnosed with a terminal illness with six months or less to live (if the disease follows a typical progression).

What if the Patient is Underinsured or Uninsured?

Agape Hospice NW works with patients who meet hospice care eligibility to ensure they have the support they need regardless of their ability to pay for services.

Contact Us Today for Quality & Compassionate Care

Most private insurance plans cover hospice care and other end-of-life care services. They typically cover the total cost of hospice services. However, all health insurance companies have unique requirements patients must meet before beginning hospice care. At Agape Hospice NW, we understand that every moment matters, and our dedicated team is here to provide unwavering support and comfort during life’s most challenging times. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you and your family in this challenging stage of life.

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