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What Services Does Hospice Provide at Home in Portland, OR?

Hospice care is a compassionate service dedicated to providing comfort and support to patients in the final stages of a terminal illness. For many, receiving care in the comforting surroundings of their home can significantly enhance their quality of life during this challenging time. But what exactly does hospice care provide at home? To ensure you feel comfortable with your decision, read on to learn about our services.

Nursing Services and Hospice Care

Hospice care at home can include nursing services. These services aim to help support patients at home rather than in a facility. Learn about some of the nursing services you can find from a hospice care provider:

  • Pain and Symptom Management: Hospice nurses specialize in keeping patients comfortable by managing pain and other distressing symptoms. They use advanced techniques and medications to ensure patients experience the highest comfort possible.
  • Routine Check-ups: Hospice nurses visit regularly to monitor the patient’s condition, adjust medications, and provide essential medical care.
  • Emergency Support: Nurses are available 24/7 to address any sudden changes in the patient’s condition, offering peace of mind to patients and their families.

Personalized Hospice Care Plans

At Agape Hospice NW, we understand that personalization is key to ensuring our patients’ comfort. We offer personalized care plans to meet our patient’s individual needs:

  • Individualized Care Plans: Our hospice care at home provides personalized care plans that address physical, emotional, spiritual, and practical needs to ensure holistic care.
  • Family and Caregiver Support: Hospice care extends beyond the patient to support family members and caregivers, providing them with guidance, education, and emotional support.
  • Coordination of Services: Hospice teams coordinate with other healthcare providers to ensure seamless care and facilitate communication between all parties involved in the patient’s care.

A woman in hospice care lies on her couch and holds hands with someone

Social Services and Bereavement Support

Another service we provide is social and bereavement support and resources. By having these services at home, you and your loved ones can more easily go through the course of this life transition. Learn more about these specific services:

  • Emotional and Psychological Support: Social workers and counselors provide essential emotional support to patients and their families, helping them navigate the complexities of end-of-life care.
  • Spiritual Care: Spiritual counselors offer support that aligns with the patient’s faith and beliefs, providing comfort and peace during difficult times.
  • Bereavement Services: After the patient’s passing, hospice care continues to support families with bereavement counseling, helping them cope with their loss and begin the healing process.

Advanced Care Planning

At Agape Hospice NW, we can also offer advanced care planning. Our team of experts can help guide you and your loved ones through the specific paperwork needed to ensure that your decisions are honored and upheld. Here are some of the areas where we can assist you in creating a plan:

  • Legal Documentation: Hospice care includes assistance with advanced care planning, ensuring that all legal documents, such as living wills and power of attorney, are in place according to the patient’s wishes.
  • Decision-making Support: Care teams help patients and families make informed decisions about their care preferences and end-of-life wishes.
  • Future Planning: Advanced care planning also involves preparing for future medical needs and ensuring that all healthcare decisions reflect the patient’s values and desires.

Choose Agape Hospice NW

At-home hospice services provide you and your loved ones with a more comfortable and peaceful end of life transition than an impersonal hospital or nursing facility.  Contact us today to learn more about our individualized services.

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